Turkish Delight™
Do you want something no-one else has?
Trade name: Turkish Delight™
Botanical name: Aloe Hybrid ‘LEO 419’
Unusual pale grey-green recurving leaves make this one very unusual and rare large hybrid aloe.
Capable of producing 21 flowers (7 large inflorescences, each with 3 racemes) giving the plant a graceful display of pink & white flowers in late winter.
Turkish Delight™ is unlikely to produce ‘pups’ and the seed is not viable. So propagation is generally not an option with this Aloe.
This simply adds to their exclusivity!
Because they are long-lived, expect many, many years of enjoyment from this plant.
Contact us direct regarding purchase of this Aloe.
250mm - $125.00
1m (excludes flowers)
Trailing form and rarely shoots
Flowering Period:
Water Requirement:
Low but plant will benefit from water in very dry climate, particularly in summer.
Attracts Wildlife:
Birds (insect eaters and nectar feeding), bees, butterflies
Disease Resistance:
Highly resistant to pests and disease
Soil Type:
Most soil types as long as free draining but rich soil preferred. If clay soils must raise plant so water drains away
Ability to cope with high rainfall:
Light Requirement:
Full sun
Frost Tolerance:
Medium (not extreme frost)
Coastal Suitability:
Bush Fire Resistant:

Sun grown