Now that we have your attention we should point out our range of Agave does not include the blue agave grown at altitude in Mexico since the 16th century for the production of tequila.

Our Agave’s will knock your socks off in other ways!



Some like it hot. And so do Agave.

Native to the Central America’s, and Mexico in particular, most varieties can also handle the cold (into the early minus C’s), especially if the soil is kept dry.

Super low maintenance, their biggest requirement is a coarse, gritty well drained soil.

Drought tolerant and comfortable in nutrient deficient soils.

Truly awesome plants, but be aware of two things:

  1. Spikes

  2. Almost all varieties are monocarpic, meaning they flower once but, because of the energy they expend in doing so, they die afterwards. This is simply the nature of their life cycle and, dependent on the variety, flowering can take up to 25yrs*. Not a problem though, as they should produce offsets (‘pups’) for a new generation of plants or once the flowering has finished seed pods/bulbils (mini plants) should be produced on the flower stalk. 

 *Agave are commonly referred to as 'Century Plants', a phrase that was coined because of the length of time they seemed to take to produce flowers.


The symmetry and architectural feel of Agave makes them prime candidates for xeriscapes and minimalist gardens as well as feature plants in contemporary settings.

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